Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mismatched Aprons

So I recently got my sewing machine out again. I originally put it away because it kept binding up the fabric and not working correctly. I'm sure the machine needs a cleaning or tune-up or something. I'm not sure where to take it and money could be spent elsewhere. For now, it works.

I have so many sewing projects that I've started and not finished. For instance, I started making curtains for my mom. I still have all of the material and measurements safely together. Every time I try to work on them, the machine quits on me. Now that my machine is working ok, I think I remember packing that material away for when we move. Sorry mom- I promise I'll finish them sooner than later. I have so many projects like this that just need to be finished.

I've seen a lot of really neat patterns of aprons on the web. I've decided to give them a whirl. They're all mismatched patterns but colors that go together. I've started one so far and it's looking pretty good. I'm matching a dark pink flower pattern with a black and white repeating pattern.

All of the scrap remnants from this project will be used for a quilt one day in the future. I've never made a quilt but it couldn't be that hard, right?

Here's what I've got so far. I'll post another photo when it's complete.


  1. I want to make a quilt so bad. Maybe that could be our project.

  2. Yes, Raechel! We're so going to do that. Ok, we need to start collecting remnant material. What I wanted to do before was cut up my old t-shirts from when I was little. However, I gave them all away.
